Shop Floor Connect for Teamcenter, DNC Connect, 3rd Party Integration, API and MMR Service Release 2021.2

The new Shop Floor Connect, DNC Connect, 3rd Party Integration, API, MMR Service version 2021.2 is released and now available. Please look below for the enhancements and changes of the different modules.

The release is available for all customers with maintenance agreement and access to our Customer Information Center (CIC) for download (please create a release activity).

All customers who do not have access to our CIC platform and want to download the software over CIC have to require access over the following link. Please send an email to if you want the release on a data medium. Direct Siemens PLM Software customers can get the release from the GTAC download area.

This Shop Floor Connect Release 2021.2 supports all Teamcenter UA versions from 10.x up to the actual version Teamcenter 13.1.

Urgent Service notes

  • DNC Connect only supports the actual NX versions who are under maintenance from Siemens.
  • For customers who want to update on the Teamcenter 11.3 version or higher: From TC 11.3 and on, a new license verification will be done upon the creation of manufacturing objects like MEProcess, MEOP, MEWorkArea and their sub-types (including custom types). This check will be done on server side per Teamcenter policy and to ensure license verification. It will use two new feature keys: 1) mfg_planning_lite for verifying MEProcess, MEOP and their sub-types 2) mfg_plant_author for verifying MEWorkArea and its sub-types.
    This new license check will be done in addition to other license verification that exists today. If you don’t find them in your Teamcenter 11.3 or higher license key please get in contact with Siemens PLM.
  • The new UI Shop Floor Connect Active DNC drop support of Internet Explorer 11 and older! Please use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or the new Microsoft Edge Browser!


Shop Floor Connect /DNC Connect / 3rd Party Integration / API


  • Failover: Searching by a MENCProgram name (activity folder name) is now supported.
  • Core: On startup, the configured shutdown port of Apache Tomcat is also written to the log file.
  • ActiveDNC: First version of the element for dynamic generation of the tool list from the tool activities of a MENCMachining revision implemented (resource tracker). This functionality will be extended and completed in the following release 2021.3. Connection to a tool presetter is not yet included.
    Requires at least TC version 12.4.3 or TC 13.1.


  • Core: The java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException error when accessing a user session was fixed.
  • Core: If all configured machine interfaces were deleted directly in the Teamcenter Portal, a subsequent “Reload configuration” did not delete the entries from the internal cache database. This problem has been fixed.
  • Core: After an update the SFC_SessionManager.ser is no longer deleted automatically. This means that automatic synchronization of the configuration after an update is no longer necessary.
  • Failover: Fix for: A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink CLOB ‘<stream-value>’ to length 262144.
  • Failover: The search in failover mode could not return results if the Teamcenter preference “WSOM_find_list_separator” was configured to a character other than “;”.
  • ActiveDNC: Fix for error: Subsequent characters of component identifier must be a letter, a digit, an underscore (‘_’), or a dash (‘-‘)! But component identifier “UID__……” contains “$”.
  • ActiveDNC: Download of larger files (e.g. videos) for display took a very long time. This problem has been solved.
  • ActiveDNC: Update CompareFiles.dll which contains now a local IP detection which is required in combination with DHCP.
  • WebClient: Fixed an issue which brokes import of local files.
  • Fixed a problem in MI administration. When existing configuration forms are linked to a copy via “IMAN_based_on”, the conversion of configuration forms to configuration dataset failed.


MMR Service


  • Optimize tool plan PATCH operation.
  • The transfer of a NC program from a Teamcenter workpackage to MMR-Programs has been reactivated. Currently only a data set can be transferred to MMR-Programs. Updating and reporting back to Teamcenter is not yet possible.
  • Tool plan: A fallback value for the attribute “Tool name in NC program” was set based on the tool activity name if no value based on the mapping settings are found. The fallback is removed. In this case, MMR now uses the value from the tool master data set.

Subject to change without notice.