Shop Floor Connect for Teamcenter / DNC Connect / 3rd Party Integration / Mcenter Service Release 2401

The new Shop Floor Connect, DNC Connect, 3rd Party Integration, API, MMR Service version 2401 is released and now available. Please look below for the enhancements and changes of the different modules.

The release is available for all customers with maintenance agreement and access to our Customer Information Center (CIC) for download (please create a release activity). All customers who do not have access to our CIC platform and want to download the software over CIC have to require access over the following link. Please send an email to if you want the release on a data medium. Direct Siemens PLM Software customers can get the release from the GTAC download area.

This Shop Floor Connect Release 2401 supports all Teamcenter UA versions from 10.x up to the actual version Teamcenter 14.x.

Urgent Service notes

  • DNC Connect only supports the actual NX versions who are under maintenance from Siemens.
  • For customers who want to update on the Teamcenter 11.3 version or higher: From TC 11.3 and on, a new license verification will be done upon the creation of manufacturing objects like MEProcess, MEOP, MEWorkArea and their sub-types (including custom types). This check will be done on server side per Teamcenter policy and to ensure license verification. It will use two new feature keys: 1) mfg_planning_lite for verifying MEProcess, MEOP and their sub-types 2) mfg_plant_author for verifying MEWorkArea and its sub-types.
    This new license check will be done in addition to other license verification that exists today. If you don’t find them in your Teamcenter 11.3 or higher license key please get in contact with Siemens PLM.
  • From version 2404 Teamcenter 2312 is officially supported (April 2024). If you need it before then, please contact us, there is a workaround for version 2401 with Teamcenter 2312.


Shop Floor Connect / DNC Connect / 3rd Party Integration / Mcenter Service


As of SFC version 2404 (April 2024), Teamcenter 10 is no longer supported. 

  • Upgrade internal Tomcat to version 9.0.85
  • Update logback to version 1.3.14
  • ActiveDNC: The internal JT viewer now supports PMI (older NX versions such as NX10 are not supported) and contains buttons for rotating, zooming and moving.
  • The version numbering has been adapted to the current Siemens scheme YYMM – the release year followed by the release month in two digits.
  • As of SFC version 2404 (April 2024), Teamcenter 10 is no longer supported.


  • Administration: If an additional Teamcenter dataset type was added to an existing DNC type, it was only available after a ‘Reload configuration’. This problem has been fixed, the new dataset type is now taken into account immediately.
  • Adjustments to run the web application under Java17.
  • MI-Administration: Fixed a bug that caused the error ‘Forbidden’ to be displayed when editing/creating a machine interface.
  • SFCAdmin/SFCCore: A problem has been fixed if the SFC service was restarted after saving the SFC pool user during a new installation. The DNC setup could then no longer be imported.

Mcenter Service


  • Support of Mcenter versions and
  • MMR/P: The file names of attachments can now be configured in the same way as in MMR/T. The new configuration entries are:
    ‘NcRevision.Attachments.{TYPE}.TargetFileName’ and
  • MMR/T: The file name of an attachment can now be set via the configuration entry ‘Teamcenter.Dataset.{TYPE}.TargetFileName’ (similar to the configuration of the file extension via ‘Teamcenter.Dataset.{TYPE}.TargetFileExtension’).


  • MMR/P: Overwrite existing attachments during an update request from Teamcenter.



  • Upgrade internal Tomcat to version 9.0.82


Subject to change without notice!