SFC / DNC Connect / 3rd Party Integration / API and MMR Service Release 2022.3 – August 2022

The new Shop Floor Connect, DNC Connect, 3rd Party Integration, API, MMR Service version 2022.3 is released and now available. Please look below for the enhancements and changes of the different modules.

The release is available for all customers with maintenance agreement and access to our Customer Information Center (CIC) for download (please create a release activity).

All customers who do not have access to our CIC platform and want to download the software over CIC have to require access over the following link. Please send an email to service@aplusb-solutions.com if you want the release on a data medium. Direct Siemens PLM Software customers can get the release from the GTAC download area.

This Shop Floor Connect Release 2022.3 supports all Teamcenter UA versions from 10.x up to the actual version Teamcenter 14.x.

Urgent Service notes

  • DNC Connect only supports the actual NX versions who are under maintenance from Siemens.
  • For customers who want to update on the Teamcenter 11.3 version or higher: From TC 11.3 and on, a new license verification will be done upon the creation of manufacturing objects like MEProcess, MEOP, MEWorkArea and their sub-types (including custom types). This check will be done on server side per Teamcenter policy and to ensure license verification. It will use two new feature keys: 1) mfg_planning_lite for verifying MEProcess, MEOP and their sub-types 2) mfg_plant_author for verifying MEWorkArea and its sub-types.
    This new license check will be done in addition to other license verification that exists today. If you don’t find them in your Teamcenter 11.3 or higher license key please get in contact with Siemens PLM.
  • The new UI Shop Floor Connect Active DNC drop support of Internet Explorer 11 and older! Please use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or the new Microsoft Edge Browser!
  • If you have not yet switched to the ActiveDNC user interface then we advise you to do so as soon as possible. All extensions, bugfixes and customizations are only available with it!


Shop Floor Connect / DNC Connect / 3rd Party Integration / API


  • Support of Teamcenter 14.x.
  • Upgrade internal Tomcat to version 9.0.64.
  • ActiveDNC: To be able to support additional languages in the next versions, some adjustments have been made. The language files are managed in the directory “ShopFloorConnect/l10n”. The resource files for ActiveDNC are managed in the directory “ShopFloorConnect/l10n/ActiveDNC” – also the locale_user_XX.xml. The attributes of the SFCWorkpackage_conf are now managed in
  • ActiveDNC: Extension of the setup tile in the “Resource Tracker” module – the machine magazine and the tool trolleys (loading and unloading) are now displayed.
  • ActiveDNC: The viewer tab for text files is now hidden for file with a size of more than 5000000 characters. The file can still be downloaded locally and then opened.
  • ActiveDNC: The upload dialog can now no longer be closed with the ESC key, since in this case the directory contents of the machine are not re-read.
  • ActiveDNC: Multiple item types can now be specified in the shop floor programming (UI_SFP_Create_CustomProperties.conf). In this case, an additional selection box is displayed. Custom attributes can be assigned to the individual item types.


  • SFCCore: Additional log messages when loading the BOM of an item revision. The Teamcenter SOA function structuremanagement._2010_09.Structure.packOrUnpack sometimes returns no result. Then the child list has to be refreshed after the function call.
  • SFCCore: SFC_DataManagement_Revise_20194 performs an unlock operation on a newly created MEOP revision based revision. Previously a newly created revision could not be deleted as long as the current Teamcenter session was still logged in. This Problem is solved
  • SFCCore: If the error message “Error while uploading files from PLM using FMS. It returned error code -3008” occurred when logging in a new Teamcenter session, no logout was performed afterwards and thus the assigned TcServer.exe was not terminated. This error has been fixed.
  • SFCCore: New configuration parameter “TaskInboxRequest.MaxTasksCount” to limit the number of requested tasks in the inbox via SFC_WF_GetEPMTasksToPerform_20192.
  • SFCCore: SFC_DataManagement_Revise_20194 supports now additional optional and/or required attributes of the ItemRevision.
  • SFCCore: SFC_DataManagement_CreateDataset_20181 now generates an SFCException with error code SFC.DatasetRequest:000005 if the specified dataset type is invalid.
  • SFCCore: The used Teamcenter SOA Client has been updated to version 10.1.7_patch1. This removes the support for Teamcenter 9.
  • SFCCore: Fixed an error that prevented the workplace folder from being found in the DNC-Setup (user ID in the Teamcenter search used was “null”).
  • Failover V2: Fixed a problem that caused the SFCCacheManager to terminate. The cause is a workpackage that contains an UNREADABLE BomLine. These workpackages can now be stored in the failover cache.
  • ActiveDNC: Fixed an issue that generated a NullPointerException when the list of preferred languages in the used web browser contained an unsupported language in the first position.
  • ActiveDNC: Fixed a problem in PartBlog where new entries could not be saved.
  • ActiveDNC: The configuration file /conf/defaults/UI_BOMElementsPanel.conf.default was revised. Elements that are no longer needed have been removed, the value “bl_occ_type” has been added to the column definition.
  • ActiveDNC: The location of the language files has been changed to ShopFloorConnect/l10n/ActiveDNC. The customized *_user files are now also expected there.
  • Admin-HI: A refresh problem in the workplace list has been fixed. If e.g. the description was changed at a workplace and then a “Reload Configuration” was performed, the old description was displayed again although the correct value was saved in Teamcenter.
  • Fixed an error in script saveLogFile.bat/sh.
  • SFCAdmin: The flag “DNC setup folder exists” was incorrectly displayed as “No” although the folder exists. This error only occurred when the display was reopened after an installation.
  • SFCAdmin: Change logging from log4j to SLF4J/logback.




  • SFC: The configuration parameter “SFC.FileTransferMode”, which is no longer needed, has been removed from mi_server.ini.default (internal file transfer is now performed via REST only).
  • FTPCom: First version with FTP over TLS support.


  • Core: Update Apache commons-net library to version 3.8.0.
  • Core: Change logging from log4j to SLF4J/logback. Replace the old configuration file log4j.properties with logback.xml.
  • LCOB_Send_Receive_Filter: Write newLine character at end of file.
  • WuTCOM: Fixed a problem where under certain circumstances multiple processes could be started to check the connection to the WuT-COMServer. This created multiple entries in the log file.
  • FTPCom: New configuration parameter in mi_server.ini to enable passive FTP transfer (FTPCom.UsePassiveFTP).

Subject to change without notice.